Friday, 4 March 2011

When's the last time you laughed so hard, you cried?

On Tuesday, I met a great blog friend, it wS like we gave known each other forever. We laughed about some of my sexual adventures, especially the one were the she turned out to be a post op transexual. I only found out when she sat on my face and I discovered with my tongue! But what we howled about was last week my toy bag was stolen, the thieves thought it was a laptop bag. Imagine their faces when they opened the bag and found the restrained, butt plugs and dildos! Sweet revenge! I doubt they had much luck selling it on, there's not much of a Market for second hand butt plugs, you don't know where they've been!!!! Or rather you do!!

Ask me anything

1 comment:

  1. Laughter with a friend is the best medicine.


