Saturday 12 May 2012

Sinful Sunday

Just back from 3 nights with YSL, he has been so busy recently with work it has been wonderful having so much relaxing down time together. I have a few tales to share as this week we have learned more about our tastes for others along with the enforcement of our belief that for some people it's just the mechanics of fucking. Its such a mismatch to us, its all about the pleasure, the journey, not the destination and how it looks.

We took this last night, just back from the club, we never played with anyone, no body except the Dungeon Dom struck us as worthy or interesting and he was there on business so no opportunity to entice him to a slice of pleasure, despite his frequent approving and wanton comments. It suited me, adored from a distance and totally YSL's and him mine.

Doing a few blog changes at the moment, one the right there's now a link list to all the videos on my blog and there's now a new page with the Cap D'Agde posts, lots of pictures and tales of swinging and a little BDSM. The blog hopefully will be looking a little different soon and I'm now the proud owner of ! Check back later in week to see my other changes.

Sinful Sunday


  1. Congratulations on registering your domain! Thanks again for putting all your video/audio links into one handy spot. I still find "Jack's Corner" a catchy title, and appropriate because I'm there frequently.

    Beautiful shot, as well. (As though you could take anything less.)


  2. lovely image, and I adore your stockings!!

  3. a lovely sight to see hmmmmm

  4. Huzzah on the domain name! And what a beautiful shot. God, you're so gorgeous.


  5. Beautiful photo. Love those stockings!
    Rebel xox
    PS: Congratulations on the domain name. It's very liberating to own your own domain :)

  6. Amazing stockings. Want!!! (and the stockings too... )

  7. Congrats on the domain!!
    And beautiful pic, love those stockings :)

    ~Kazi xxx

  8. Congratulations on the domain name.... are you going to make the big leap to self hosting too? If you need any help or advice with that then just shout out.

    Oh and beautiful editing, it has given it a really nice edge, making the shine of your shoes pop but also giving it a hint of a painted image rather than a photograph.


  9. Gorgeous stockings! And congrats, I'll be looking forwards to the new look! ;)

  10. Your own domain is awesome! Congrats!

  11. I love the bow detail on the stockings just gorgeous!!! Congrats on the new domain and I look forward to seeing how it all progresses!!!

    ~Mia~ xx

  12. Very sexy I love bowed stockings. Has a wonderful almost vintage flair to the photo.

