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Thursday, 9 January 2014

Cap D'Agde club review -Melrose


This is a free of charge entry bar that is located in Section 5 of Port Nature and is right at the end of a small row of bars and is really not difficult to find once you are in the area. When all of the other bars are embarrassingly empty, this one is stuffed with bodies and the tunes are booming out.

We have only been in this bar once, but have passed it many times on our way to other clubs. The music is dance, the sound system is good and it is like there is a permanent party doing on in there with customers pole dancing and simply having the time of their lives.

The bar is open sided, so you can see in, and this is what the groups of single guys do who can't get in to the couples only clubs. The guys have always seemed fine to us, not intimidating or overstepping the mark as we have passed.

On our one visit, we enjoyed good drinks, a great atmosphere and YSL enjoyed masturbating Yummy at the bar whilst we were both standing there :)

If it's so great, why haven't we returned since our one venture on our first trip? We guess it's really because we have bars that are just as lively at home (bar the public nudity and sex of course) and our treats in France are the clubs and the fantastic beers and wine that we can buy from the supermarkets and enjoy in our apartment, so why would we spend our short, precious time in France in a bar. Having said this, it is a great place, we enjoy looking in as we pass and we got the tune that they constantly played in our heads for the whole week in 2013, Thrift Shop by Macklemore, which was annoyingly welcome. I've got twenty dollars in ma pocket!!!!

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