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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

TMI - YSL answers on Funny Sex

1. Have you ever laughed during sex? Tell us about it.
I maybes have, but honestly don't remember any specific occasions. Without wishing to sound humourless and po-faced, for me sex is all about passion, enthusiasm and being in the moment and joke telling, buttonhole flowers that shoot water really aren't part of it. However, there have been a number of occasions when Yummy and I have laughed at the end of sex. One was just after we had cum together in a very intensive way and the song playing on the radio was the chorus of 'Diggy Doggy Doo' by Flabby, which just made us laugh.

2. How important is a sense of humor to you?
It is essential of course. But no jokes during a scene or sex please.
3. Have you ever thought something was funny when your lover did not? Tell us what it was…
Yummy and I have a very similar sense of humour, so we usually react in the same way to most things. The only anecdote to recall and it isn't that between us one found it funny and the other didn't, for this one we both found it distinctly unfunny. We were in the dungeon of our local club and five minutes in this short, bald fat man with his similarly unappealing wife entered and he picks up a feather duster and starts doing loud Ken Dodd impressions.
Needless to say, we immediately got up, stern looks were given and we retired to the bar.
4. Are pranks funny? Have you ever fallen victim to a prank? Tell us what happened.
Are they funny? Not really, as it is usually humour at the expense of someone else which causes embarrassment and sometimes hurt. Fallen victim? Probably, in my younger years. Fortunately now I associate with people who know better.
5. What is your favorite kind of humor? (a complete list can be found at:
In order of preference:
1.       Deadpan/dry
2.       Blue
3.       Mordant
4.       Self-deprecating

I appreciate that number three is probably a little at odds with some of my answers above, but I only enjoy when it is done in a knowing way and not done to openly embarrass others.
Bonus: Tell us an embarrassing and/or funny moment you experienced with a lover.
I don't know, perhaps it is funny and to some it may be embarrassing, but I took this one in my stride at the time and have done ever since. One the return from Cap d'Adge in 2011, I had checked in our hold bag at the small airport and we then sat down at a table near the check in desks to drink some coffee. Five minutes later an announcement comes over the P.A. system asking for 'Mr YSL to come to the security area'. I went across to the small box that had glass on all four sides and the French security guy said that he needed to check my bag. The contents were about 80% sex related, didoes, butt plugs, vibrators and suchlike and I have a strong suspicion that he would know it too, given that we were very close to the largest swingers playground on the planet. Anyway, he has the gloves on, rummages through the 'fun stuff' and finally finds the item that has caused the security alert.....and realistic cock dildo. Upon conclusion of the investigation, I am sent on my way.

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