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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

TMI - just friends?

1. Have you ever had a friendship with a someone where you secretly (or not so secretly) desired them?

Sort of, see answer 3

2. Are you prone to jealousy, suspicion or insecurity when your partner spends time with an attractive close friend without you? Why?

Not really, I'm not the jealous sort, for me love and sexual desire are not one, I find it a compliment to my partner admires another attractive female but wants me and I feel blessed that me and YSL have both love and desire for each other.

3. Has a previously platonic friendship ever bloomed into a sexual relationship?

It's bloomed to friends with benefits until he wanted more and I stopped the benefits.

4. Have you ever remained close friends with an ex-lover?

There is only one ex lover that won't speak to me anymore and that was because he said it hurt too much to speak to me and not have me. I was devastated to lose the friendship more than the relationship.

I still speak to Dutch, the Farmer  and even Marco  who was the first lover I had when I tried swinging still gets in touch from time to time to check how I am.

As for the man responsible for opening my eyes to swinging our path now cross on almost a weekly basis and we have a good friendship.

I've always valued friendship ahead of everything else in a relationship and even when things go wrong I've always been able to focus on the good stuff and keep the friendship side of things.

Bonus: Have you ever developed feelings for a “friend with benefits”? How did it develop, unfold, resolve?


We weren't meant to fall in love, we both set out to have just great sex no strings but then this happened....

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!


  1. Is Marco the same as "the man responsible for opening my eyes to swinging".

  2. "We weren't meant to fall in love, we both set out to have just great sex no strings but then this happened...."
    Well that will do it to a girl every time..... trust me I have been there and done that, but sadly my ysl and i are not to be... however a weekend of memories is much better than nothing!

  3. I think that's great that you've been able to remain friends with your exes. I think it's always a good thing when you can connect with your past like that. Great job on the questions!

  4. I am glad that I am not the only one to have a FWB relationship which has slipped into something before. We still know the boundaries, but I would be lying if I didn't say he had a piece of my heart forever.

    Happy TMI

  5. I, too, try to focus on friendship above everything else. So many things get sticky, or in the way. If I have a really good friend, someone I truly adore and trust who has my back--- that is worth more than a dozen lovers.

  6. Great answer to #4. That you are on good terms with so many former lovers speaks highly of your character, and your sex appeal.
