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Saturday, 28 January 2012

Sinful Sunday - holding me so deeply

I adore feeling so full of him. YSL told me when I cum as he fists me my cunt grips his hand so tightly, he can feel every spasm, one day it actually hurt his wrist I gripped it so tight.

YSL did a post this week, his first contribution to the blog, he answers about how he feels about me in group situations, go read and show him some love as its an amazing and candid post. YSL post


  1. I'm just going to be really crass about it.

    YSL, will you, at some point in the next twelve months, fist me like that? Because that's fucking amazing.

    xxx Jilly (apologies! ;-) )

  2. Olá!
    Adorei seu blog! Estou seguindo, ok?

    Quando puder visite o meu,


  3. I know that intense "way too tight" feeling very well! Jill squeezes my hand the exact same way, and I love it. Beautiful shot.

    Jilly - if YSL won't, I sure will.


  4. Not a feeling I've experienced but wow, what a shot! :)

    ~Kazi xxx

  5. I can't be fisted, but WOW do you make it look good. :)

  6. That is a fantastically arousing photo.

  7. That is one amazing picture. I do love that feeling of being really full, although so far Sir has not managed to get his whole fist instead me, although if you saw the size of his hands you might realise why that is not a bad thing.



  8. Oh I just love being fisted! Feeling so full and the way my G-spot gets stimulated is amazing. Great image of something so wonderful!!!

  9. That is fabulous! Having been on both ends of the fist, I can say there is almost nothing better! Next I need to work on being fisted while fisting! Yum!

  10. Amazing! I've never been able to get a fist in me - although it's been ages since I've tried or done any training. Jealous!

  11. I love this picture, it always amazes me. Being the fistee, that feeling & that he can do it.

  12. Now that makes my eyes water! My hands are on the small side but I have never tried that. Where are the volunteers when you need one?
