My blog pages

Sunday, 5 December 2010

A week in review

Dozens of orgasms I lost count

1 woman tied me up fucked me

1 man help her and pushed my limits

Lots of sexy bloggers and tweety friends sent me pictures as gifts... This one I saved to share today ..... Form an orderly queue (behind me) to abuse this cock. Thanks babe

1 man promised to meet me next week and enjoy a day naked together.

How was your week?


  1. About that that a ring through it?! Can I have a better view? Nice body. I'll be visiting that blog.


    Yummy, I'm glad that you had such an enjoyable, naughty birthday week. You deserved it!


  2. Form an orderly queue? Nuh-uh. I'm shoving my way to the front of the line. Behind the Birthday Girl of course. I gasped when I saw this. So THAT's what his new piercing looks like!

    Yummy. Just Yummy. I think I'll go tell him......

    Thank you so much for sharing your presents. Happy belated birthday!
