My blog pages

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

my ass or yours?

Not sure if I want to dish it or take it today, tell you what let's wrestle for the paddle?

Join in the fun...

And go see some more daring pics... including one of me....the-otherhnt


  1. all 3 for the wrestle? I might not fight back much though and let you 2 have me x

  2. Is slapping allowed? What about biting?

  3. yep all allowed, but only dish what you are prepared to recieve x and no! still havent, i was interupted last night when was nearing cuming :-(

  4. ohnt ftw!

    can i join in the fun?

  5. Eternal List

    ok i had to use google to work out what FTW was and im traumatise i still dont know as it gave me 4 options.... now left feeling old and un savvy :-( Save me!

    and yes please join in the fun!

  6. It would be fun to wrestle with you.

  7. mmmm a nice paddle and sexy stockings .....very good combination

  8. Thanks secretlynaughty x the paddle is such a treat! its spilt 2 layer leather so makes a delicious 'crack' even with a light smack, as good for the brain as it is for the ass of pussy lips x

  9. You just remember, baby, who can dish it out and who can take it...:)

  10. Hot legs! Love the stockings.

  11. @Sheen thanks rather partial to them myself xx

    @Ron with you i know id bend over and present myself ready for you x
