My blog pages

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

TMI - Sexy You

1. How do you feel about your appearance?
a. negatively
b. positively

2. Are you satisfied with your appearance?
a. yes
b. no

3. Are you currently doing anything to improve your self-image (i.e., exercise, therapy, weight change, new lover, cosmetic surgery)? What?
Not for self image, but trying to keep the weight in check just to feel healthy

4. Do you have any rules that must be adhered to either before sexual action takes place or during sex?
All players must be clean, fresh and enthusiastic

5. Are you satisfied with your significant other’s appearance? If not what would you improve?
Yes I am and always will be. Whilst I have a preference for BBWs, it’s the person who really counts in the end

Bonus: What makes you feel sexy?
Being desired

TMI Tuesday blog

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Sinful Sunday - Drinking from the Well

YSL had been fucking me from behind whilst our friend licked my clit and his balls
YSL shot his hot cum inside me
YSL withdrew
Our friend pulled my cunt down onto her mouth and drank from it for the next ten minutes
Sinful Sunday

Monday, 21 March 2016

TMI - Your Bucket List

1. If you died tomorrow, to whom would you leave all your worldly possessions?
I would leave it all to these guys to demonstrate my gratitude for all of those wonderful hours spent with their products and to fund their continuing good work into the future.

2. What did you like to play as a child?
Tha muthafuckin’ fool!!

3. Have you ever gone on a rampant sex spree while depressed?
Don’t get depressed and no excuses required to go on rampant sex sprees

4. Do you mind if your partner wants to have porn videos playing while the two of you are having sex?
I positively encourage it

5. What is the sexiest thing you did last week?
Masturbated :-(
For the past few weeks real life has got in the way of Yummy and YSL naughtiness

Bonus: You have to give your lover a report card about your last sexual encounter.
– What would they score? A B C D F?
A* every time with special mention for technique and enthusiasm

– What could he/she improve upon?
She could bring a couple of friends with her once in a while ;-)

– For what would your lover be reprimanded for doing during sex?
No annoyances with Yummy as we are very compatible, but a pet hate between us is partners constantly talking or talking about things not at all connected with what is happening in the room
TMI Tuesday blog

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Sinful Sunday - A Dream come true

YSL adores the larger lady
YSL was very happy in this hotel room

.......and so was I
Sinful Sunday

Monday, 14 March 2016

TMI - Have a Terrific Tuesday

1. Have you ever been so loud having sex that housemates/neighbours commented or complained?
Yes, I’ve had banging on the wall, but in fairness it was due to the longevity as well as the volume. I assume that they must have cum early on in the proceedings and then it just became annoying after a period of time :-)

2. Ever had kids or parents bust in on you in the middle of full on sex?
In my younger days I had a girlfriend’s stepfather walk in on us. He was cool about the whole thing.

3. Have you ever licked or sucked on someone else’s feet and/or toes? Was it your request or theirs?
I have and it has always been at my initiation, but nothing that is a fetish. Just felt right at the time for adoration.

4. Describe your typical sexual romp:
a. You are playful and tame
b. You have introduced a few things like outfits and toys
c. You love trying new things and shocking your partner
d. Keep it simple–missionary, lube, sleep.
Can I go for half of ‘c’ please? Always try new things, but I don’t think that we have ever shocked the receiving partner at any time. To be honest, the other partner always smiles, is enthusiastic and can’t believe their luck that ‘x’ has been suggested.

A good example of the above is that having only known each other for five months, we were on a holiday together in a swinging resort and as if that wasn’t a bold enough step, we decided to do this whilst there 

5. Speaking of lube–what is your favorite lube for sex and why?
No thought or argument required for this one. It always has been and always will be Liquid Silk.
It is a water based lube that is non tacky and simply just disappears away after a period of time rather than lying on the skin and difficult to wash off. Any excess comes off with ease, it doesn’t stain, there is no odour to it whatsoever and it comes in a great dispenser bottle that is easy to use. As it says in the name, it really is like silk – smooth and friction free.

Bonus: What are you looking forward to this week?

Being with Yummy again on Thursday!!
TMI Tuesday blog